Asunto: Prueba de publicación de post en el Blog.
Fecha: Mar, 23 de Febrero de 2010, 5:05 pm
De: dana bobocea []
Enviado el: jueves, 28 de enero de 2010 19:59
Para:;;; RUUDFRAY@HOTMMAIL.COM; lidia ilea
Asunto: comenius project
My name is Daniela Bobocea and I am writing to you at the recommendation of Lidia Iliea from Dumitru Motoc High School, Romania, for those who don't know me. I am an English teacher at the same school and I am interested in doing a Comenius multilateral project based on tourism, traditions etc. I thought of a title, but it's just an idea, "Travelling through Europe - a must for the tourism students". If you have any other ideas, or suggestions for the title, please, tell me. We could be the coordinator of the project.
I am sending you some information about my school.
I would be very glad if you joined my project. We have some experience and I think we can do a successful project. The more partners, the better.
Dumitru Motoc High School is a preuniversitary institution for vocational and technical education from Galati. Our school has 69 classes (from the IX th to the XIII th forms) divided this way:
- 33 high school classes: morning, evening and distance learning with the following types and qualifications:
-Natural Resources and the protection of the environment with the qualifications: food analyzing technician, ecologist technician
- Services with the qualifications: tourism technician
- 36 vocational classes, morning and evening classes with the following qualifications:
- at the first level of education: worker in milling and bread manufacture; worker in food industry and in hotel industry
- at the second level: worker in hotel industry, waiter, cook, confectioner
- at the third level: food industry technician, gastronomy technician, hotel industry technician and banqueting organizer.
The school has many IT resources: three IT modern labs, a network system with non –stop access to the internet, multimedia instruments, application software, which are used during classes according to the syllabus.
The school teachers are qualified in using the computers, have attended formation courses and are active users. All our teachers are qualified and the majority have teaching degrees and Master’s Degree diplomas.
In our school there are also 2 training-firms registered in the national network of the training-firms as travel agencies and other 8 not-registered training-firms.
I am looking forward for your answer!
Best wishes,
Daniela Bobocea
Dumitru Motoc High School
Galati, Romania
De: bunyamin sonmez []
Enviado el: Martes. 05:39 p.m.
Asunto: Request for Comenius School Partnerships - Democracy Education Project
Hi Paco, How are you?
Please, can you find a primary school partner for the comenius school partnerships project. I have to find it.
Our Project subject is,
“Democracy Education and School student councils"
Democracy isn’t only a political concept.Democracy in which there are social values is a social phenomenon that affects the entire life of individuals.In order to enable democratic order continue and implement democracy in best way primarily democracy must be taught correctly.For this purpose individuals forming the society must be comprehended the essence of democracy starting from an early age.With democracy education in schools student must be earned to make rational choices,understand the importance of rules of law in life,show tolerance,question the information provided by mass media,be active in social and political life,be participant having individual power in the choices he made in all areas of hi s life.The people who will play active roles in the development of the country are trained with education given in schools.If in society standards of democratic life which will ensure the development of democracy is desired to establish , the students who will be tomorrow’s elders should be prepared for life by educating with democratic values.The European Council attaches great importance to democracy and human rights issues.Turkey makes changes in its social life and education system to enter the European Union.In this respect in order to educate individuals respecting democracy and human rights in their social lives, teaching the subjects of democracy and human rights must be taken enough care.In addition, with democracy education and School Assemblies Projects’ applications it’s aimed to educate individuals respecting democracy and human rights.From this point of view I think it will not be wrong to say that the Project is compatible with the national priorities of the European Union.It shouldn’t be forgotten that the people who are responsible for the first degree in giving democracy education to the students are teachers.However, school administrators are responsible for providing the necessary environment for democracy education and ensure execution of work without delay.School administrator’s providing necessary resources for the teaching ,arranging classroom activities influence teachers’ attitudes towards school and provide a more meticulous study.Thus, school administrator is in charge of reviewing the failure of the mechanism of the student assemblies and providing students to study more effectively.Teachers are the people whom carry out the student assembly work. School adminstrators’ and teachers’ working in coordination will bring success to School Assembly Project, so society that has democracy consciousness will for m.If you work with us in our Comenius Project that will be prepared in the light of all these data , we will be too glad because of this.
IMKB Prof.Dr. Faruk Kadri Timurtas Primary School locating in Sincan in Ankara has continued its duty with the staff of 4 administrators,91 teachers,1 officer and 2 employee since 01.01.2006.In our school there are 2 laboratories,34 classrooms ,1 meeting hall and 1 library.1140 male students,1104 female students in total 2244 students benefit from these facilities.
Our, The other partners:
See you on March.
Best Regards
Phone:+90(312) 263 72 72 && pbx: +90(312) 264 49 39
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