Coordina la Universidad Complutense de Madrid con la participación de representantes de 6 Facultades de la UCM:
- Educación: Dr. Francisco J. García Tartera
- Farmacia: Dra. Elena González Burgos y Dra. Inmaculada Aranaz Corral
- Filosofía: Dra. Blanca Rodríguez López
- Geología: Dr. Pedro Castiñeiras García (coordinador)
- Geografía e Historia: Dra. Pilar Sánchez Millas
- Periodismo: Dra. Mª José Pérez del Pozo
Start: 01-10-2019 - End: 31-07-2022
Project Reference: 2019-1-ES01-KA203-064188
EU Grant: 227920 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Climate change is one of the most challenging issues worldwide affecting all regions around the world. In some regions, its effects involved extreme weather events and rainfall while in others involved extreme heat waves and droughts. Climate change is a key driver of migration and food insecurity. These impacts are expected to intensify in the coming decades. Countries from the Mediterranean arch are particularly vulnerable to climate change and this is why CTwoSEAS project focus on these countries. Project partners have identified the lack of a comprehensive training in European High education institutions which provide a pan European and transversal training to European students and teachers in climate change issues.
We must change our habits and protect the environment to conserve it. And that must be done from the education and training of the new generations, with the handicap that there is no time to lose.
The climatic catastrophe has been announced for not less than 20 years, with a different degree of credibility and a lot of skepticism. However, at this time there is a great consensus among scientists around the world about the serious consequences for humanity and for life on our planet if we don't stop on time this climate change.
The mail goal of this project is to boost a better educated society in climate change issues in order to reinforce EU policies against climate change approaching the topic from a scientific, ethical-social, philosophical and economical point of view.
CTwoSEAS project proposes the development of a cross-cutting subject in climate change with an integral view covering all aspects related to this topic from a multidisciplinary standpoint. In order to reinforce the aims of this project, the cross-cutting subject will be complemented with a digital space (web page) and a community of practice. At the end of the project, an event entitles “Climate Change: From Science to Society” will be carried out. This event will be a window to disseminate the project to other EU educational institutions and the general public.
Project partners include five high educational institutions from Mediterranean seashore. Spain (Complutense University of Madrid) -Po-, Portugal (Instituto Politécnico de Braganza) -P1-, Greece (Industrial and Business Education and Training Institute - SEV) -P2-, Turkey (Akdeniz University) -P3- and Italy (Universita Degli Studi della Basilicata) -P4-.
This project will promote and reinforce the cooperation among these institutions and improve students and teacher’s internationalization. Long term benefits include a future workforce prepared to face the challenge of climate change, a more educated society on climate change issue more willing to support EU policies against climate change, strong cooperation between educational institutions with mutual recognition of qualifications and international teaching view.
We must change our habits and protect the environment to conserve it. And that must be done from the education and training of the new generations, with the handicap that there is no time to lose.
The climatic catastrophe has been announced for not less than 20 years, with a different degree of credibility and a lot of skepticism. However, at this time there is a great consensus among scientists around the world about the serious consequences for humanity and for life on our planet if we don't stop on time this climate change.
The mail goal of this project is to boost a better educated society in climate change issues in order to reinforce EU policies against climate change approaching the topic from a scientific, ethical-social, philosophical and economical point of view.
CTwoSEAS project proposes the development of a cross-cutting subject in climate change with an integral view covering all aspects related to this topic from a multidisciplinary standpoint. In order to reinforce the aims of this project, the cross-cutting subject will be complemented with a digital space (web page) and a community of practice. At the end of the project, an event entitles “Climate Change: From Science to Society” will be carried out. This event will be a window to disseminate the project to other EU educational institutions and the general public.
Project partners include five high educational institutions from Mediterranean seashore. Spain (Complutense University of Madrid) -Po-, Portugal (Instituto Politécnico de Braganza) -P1-, Greece (Industrial and Business Education and Training Institute - SEV) -P2-, Turkey (Akdeniz University) -P3- and Italy (Universita Degli Studi della Basilicata) -P4-.
This project will promote and reinforce the cooperation among these institutions and improve students and teacher’s internationalization. Long term benefits include a future workforce prepared to face the challenge of climate change, a more educated society on climate change issue more willing to support EU policies against climate change, strong cooperation between educational institutions with mutual recognition of qualifications and international teaching view.
Other main actions ibn relation to climate change: